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Industry and regulatory

Deep understanding of the industrial and regulatory channels along hurdles present in pakistan for foreign companies, Noesis offers its years of accumulated experience.

Developed operating teams

Noesis has developed channels within a plethora of market sectors in Pakistan, with experienced members and advisors from all sectors of the market.

Strong access to institutional channels in the public and private health sector.

Noesis has developed strong relationships in institutional public and private health sectors to bring to its partners the fastest route to entry.

Branding and marketing strategies

Noesis looks to bring newer marketing strategies into Pakistan with less reliance on traditional marketing plans so as to reduce excess spending and increased ROI.

Sales and Distribution Channel Access

Noesis group has a sales network throughout Pakistan and is willing to move fast into markets and move products through its established distribution channels.

Trust and Ethics

Noesis prides itself on being run with Trusts and Ethics at the forefront with years of ethical practices

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Medical devices sold

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Satisfied customers

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Doctors in our system